Built the right way, one at a time.

UPS - Has recently changed shipping regulations. We have received notice that UPS will only ship firearms when an FFL dealer generates the shipping label. We have still been receiving firearms from individuals -- it is not illegal to ship an owned firearm to an FFL dealer for repair. If you do have problems with UPS accepting your firearms -- see further instructions/options below.

USPS -- has not changed. USPS still allows shipment of rifles to an FFL dealer. You may want to print out a copy of our FFL (available below).

What we've seen as a solution if you are having trouble with UPS acccepting shipment is having Rifles, Inc. gererate a shipping label -- which can be emailed to you.

1. After you have your rifles boxed in an approved shipping case with an outer cardboard box -- and have the box weighed -- Email Lina at lina@riflesinc.com or call (830)569-2055 to go over a repair/order form with serial number of the action and the box weight ready. UPS will only insure this package for $1,000 and dimensions cannot exceed 55x15x5. The price for this is $95. This ONLY covers the shipping from you to Rifles, Inc. You must include a letter including: instructions, your name, day phone, email, and return shipping address.
2. A shipping label from your address to Rifles, Inc. will be emailed to you.
3. When work in completed on your rifles -- we will return ship the rifle directly to you -- more insurance can be added at this point and pricing will be quoted.
4. Available for Lower 48 only. Alaska and Hawaii to be quoted.

You may also choose to use a FFL dealer -- such as a local sporting goods store to ship your rifle to Rifes, Inc. If a FFL dealer ships us the rifle -- Rifles, Inc. MUST return the firearm to the dealer who shipped to us.

To see UPS and FEDEX firearms policy please follow the links below.

Click here for: Federal Firearms License (copy for shipping)

fedex link    ups link